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Monday, 13 December 2010

US: Snow causes Minneapolis Metrodome roof to collapse

12-13-2010 21:14 BJT

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The inflatable roof of the Metrodome sports stadium in Minneapolis in the US collapsed on Sunday, after 43 centimeters of snow was dumped on the city. Nobody was hurt but, the collapse has forced the US National Football League to move the venue of the game played between Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants.

A large section of the roof lay torn and whipping in the wind in the stadium's north end, and snow that had fallen covered much of the field.

It was the fourth time the Teflon roof had collapsed. The Metrodome roof deflated in 1981, 82, and 83, each time due to rips caused by heavy snow.

The inflatable roof of the Metrodome sports stadium in Minneapolis in the US
collapsed on Sunday, after 43 centimeters of snow was dumped on the city.

Steve Maki, Metrodome Facilities Manager, said, "Thought we'd be back this morning to finish up the job but unfortunately snow or ice accumulation overstressed a couple of roof panels and ruptured them causing the roof to come down."

Rashid Moguhel, Local Resident, said, "Ah man, I saw for the first time in my life and it is horrible."

The commission that operates the Metrodome wouldn't speculate on how long repairs would take, but the facilities manager says he's optimistic they will be done in time for another game next Monday.

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