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Sunday 20 March 2011

Kuwait MPs to quiz premier over Bahrain troops

Islamist MPs blast Iran for meddling in affairs

Sunday, 20 March 2011

The emirate's Shiite Muslim minority staged a rally on Thursday to thank the government for not sending troops to Bahrain
The emirate's Shiite Muslim minority staged a rally on Thursday to thank the government for not sending troops to Bahrain

Kuwaiti Islamist MPs have decided to file to question the prime minister in parliament for not sending troops to Bahrain and strongly blasted Shiite Iran for meddling in its affairs.

The announcement was made by Sunni Salafi lawmakers Mohammad Hayef and Waleed al-Tabtabai Saturday night after a large gathering by Islamists to denounce the government "decision" not to send troops to Bahrain.

Kuwait has so far remained silent on the issue and it was not clear whether its troops have been sent or not.

The emirate's Shiite Muslim minority staged a rally on Thursday to thank the government for not sending troops to Bahrain to help the Sunni-led government crackdown on their fellow Shiites.

Hundreds of troops from the Peninsula Shield force of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council alliance were dispatched to Bahrain last week to assist the government against the Shiite-led protests.

Speakers at the rally, held just opposite the government office in Kuwait City, strongly criticized Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammad al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and blasted what they called Iranian meddling in Bahrain's affairs.

"The Kuwaiti people will not accept the orders of the Iranian leaders and is demanding that (Kuwaiti) troops are dispatched soon to Bahrain," Hayef told the gathering, and called on the premier to step down.

Islamist MP Jamaan al-Harbash said the protests in Bahrain were part of a "Shiite plot to control Bahrain," and accused Iran of being behind them.

"Nothing redeems Kuwaitis except the resignation of the prime minister who humiliated us," Harbash said.

MP Faisal al-Muslim strongly criticized Tehran.

"The Iranian interference (in Bahrain) is very clear. Iran is the head of evil, it is a sectarian state... the main danger on the Gulf and its people comes from Iran," Muslim said.

"Iran has taken control of Iraq. Today is trying with Bahrain and tomorrow will be Kuwait... We must establish a true Gulf unity to confront Iranian plots," he said.

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