The US president and the Israeli prime minister have
expressed agreement on the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a
nuclear weapon, the White House said.
Barack Obama and Binyamin Netanyahu sought on Friday to ease tensions
over how to deal with Iran's nuclear programme, presenting a show of
solidarity over how to confront Tehran.
Obama, widely seen as having snubbed Netanyahu by not meeting
face-to-face during the annual UN gathering, spoke instead by phone to
the Israeli leader amid signs of movement toward a truce in their war of
Netanyahu used his UN speech a day earlier to keep pressure on Washington to set a "clear red line" for Tehran.
But in a softening of his approach, he signaled that no Israeli
attack on Iran was imminent before the November 6 US presidential
With an eye to the close US presidential race, Netanyahu also fielded a call during his New York visit from Obama's Republican rival, Mitt Romney, who has accused the president of being too hard on a close US ally and not tough enough on Iran.
'Shared goal'
Obama's aides believe he has played his cards right with Netanyahu, with whom the president has had a notoriously testy relationship.
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Netanyahu's strident complaints about US policy on Iran spurred a
backlash at home and in the US media for seeming to meddle in American
In recent days, the Israelis have sought to dial down the rhetoric,
signalling that they would not blindside Washington with a unilateral
attack on Iran any time soon.
"The two leaders underscored that they are in full agreement on the
shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," the
White House said in a summary of their 20-minute phone conversation.
The White House stopped short of saying Obama had given any ground on
his resistance to issuing an ultimatum to Tehran, as Netanyahu has
repeatedly demanded.
"It was a good conversation. They discussed all the issues," said a senior Israeli official.
An Obama aide went further, saying, "The temperature is lower than it had been."
'Military action'
Netanyahu dramatically ramped up pressure on Obama earlier this month
when he insisted that the United States did not have a "moral right" to
hold Israel back from taking action against Iran because Washington had
not set its own limits on Tehran's nuclear developments.
Obama's aides were furious that Netanyahu was trying to put pressure
on the president in the midst of the election campaign and refused to
budge on the red line issue despite the risk of alienating pro-Israel
voters in election battleground states like Florida and Ohio.
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At the same time, Israeli officials - mindful of the danger of antagonising the Jewish state's main ally and military aid provider - moved into damage-control mode.
Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador to the United States, flew back for a short visit to Jerusalem last weekend, during which he urged Netanyahu to tone down public statements that could be construed as interfering in the US election or supporting Romney, according to sources in the Jewish community in Washington.
The Israeli desire to defuse the crisis may also have reflected an interpretation of recent US opinion polls showing a widening of Obama's lead over Romney, who has suffered a series of campaign stumbles.
Romney, speaking to reporters on his campaign plane, said he and Netanyahu agreed that Iran must be denied nuclear capabilities but did not agree on specific "red lines" to confront Tehran.
"I do not believe in the final analysis we will have to use military action," Romney said. "I certainly hope we don't have to. I can't take that action off the table."
'Final stage'
In his UN speech, Netanyahu held up a cartoon-like drawing of a bomb
with a fuse and literally drew a red line just below a label reading
"final stage", in which Iran would supposedly be 90 per cent along the
path to having weapons-grade material.
Nevertheless, his warning that Iran would be on the brink of
developing a nuclear weapon in less than a year was widely interpreted
as some giving breathing space to Obama, who has urged more time for
sanctions and diplomacy to work.
Speaking ahead of a meeting with his Canadian counterpart on Friday,
Netanyahu said Iran's uranium enrichment was the "only discernible and
vulnerable part of their nuclear programme".
"I tried to say something yesterday that I think reverberates now around the world," he said
Netanyahu referred on Thursday to a spring or summer 2013 time frame
for Iran to complete the next stage of uranium enrichment. Iran denies
it is seeking to build nuclear weaponry.
Netanyahu's praise for Obama's stern words for Iran in the US
president's own UN speech on Tuesday - although it lacked any specific
ultimatum - was also seen as a sign that the Israeli leader wanted a
ceasefire in the unusually public dispute with Washington.
"I think we are moving in a direction where the differences that were
there, which were always tactical and not strategic, are in fact being
managed at this point," Dennis Ross, Obama's former Middle East adviser,
told MSNBC.
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