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Tuesday 30 November 2010

The World Hakka Conference kick off to promote Hakka culture

11-30-2010 09:06 BJT

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The World Hakka Conference kicked off on Monday in southern Chinese city of Heyuan, Guangdong province. Heyuan, which is often referred to as the home of Hakka culture, staged a grand parade featuring colorful floats to project the Hakka folk culture and arts to the world.

Eleven floats made a beeline in the grand parade. Each displayed a unique aspect of Hakka folk art. Taking the lead is the lion dance, a typical Guangdong-style folk performance. Then comes the wedding float, which is loaded with a full cart of betrothal gifts and trousseau.

Hakka Folk Artist, said, "This is exclusive to the mountainous area of Hakka. It's a hencoop to house the escort cock. It will not be used for any other occasions except for weddings. The matchmaker holds it and goes to the bride's home. Then the cock will guide her back to the groom's home."

The World Hakka Conference kicked off on Monday in southern Chinese city of
Heyuan, Guangdong province.

The Hakka people are Han Chinese who speak the Hakka language and have links to the provincial areas of Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian in Chinese mainland.

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