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Thursday 16 December 2010

700 people detained to contain simmering ethnic tensions in Russia

12-16-2010 08:41 BJT

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Thousands of riot police were deployed around central Moscow on Wednesday to prevent possible ethnic clashes.

Hundreds of people have been arrested. The move follows rioting by locals and Caucasians over the weekend and rumors that there would be more violence.

The area surrounding the Kiev railway station was fully deployed with anti-riot police.

At the main road along the Moscow Garden Ring that leads to Kiev station, troops set up temporary ID checkpoints for passengers.

In downtown Moscow, police earlier detained over 700 people who gathered near the railway station and the foreign ministry to prevent a pre- announced street fight.

Many of those were members of ethnic groups from the Caucasus.

Viktor Biryukov, Moscow Police Spokesman, said, "Hundreds of people have been detained. Regrettably, offensive weapons, blades, electric shockers and other implements have been seized by police."

Sporadic skirmishes were reported throughout the day between Caucasians and locals, which were soon dispersed by the massive police presence.

Authorities said things in the Russian capital were basically under control following the deployment of police and troops.

Some representatives of Caucasian and Muslim communities called on people to stay calm.

Shamil Osmanov, Repersentative of Russian Congress of People from Caucasus, said, "We are coordinating our efforts with the Moscow police department. And representatives of the Congress of Caucasus peoples will help to maintain order. We will act as diplomats and peacemakers, we will explain to our fellow countrymen that they should not chant slogans here or display their strength"

Last weekend's rally by football fans turned violent as they protested the killing of a member of the Spartak Moscow team's fan club who was shot with rubber bullets in a fight with Caucasus natives earlier this month.

More than 2,000 people fought near the Kremlin, with at least 35 rioters and police officers injured.

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