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Friday, 3 December 2010

Beijing teachers give kids early competitive edge

12-03-2010 08:32 BJT

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While the State Council announced policies to promote pre-school education, CCTV reporter Zhang Nini visited one kindergarten in Beijing to find out how teachers there are prepping kids to get that early competitive edge.

Reading out loud a newly-learned poem, these five and six year olds are expected to graduate from kindergarten and attend primary school next September.

Apart from elementary courses, the kids here are able to expand and foster their interests with classes ranging from playing the violin, making handicrafts, to reading basic signs.

A student said, "This sign means wheel-chair accessible facilities, this is drinking water, and this means there's a hospital around. "

Another student said "I learn to write, read and play the violin here."

And even a toddler is able to impress his mom about how much he has learned in three months.

A parent Zhu Yu said, "My son's only two and a half years old, yet I am amazed to find that he could memorize forty idioms. He also sings children's songs to me, can eat by himself, open the door and pour water for guests."

Wang Haiyan, Director of Beijing Gold Cradle Kindergarten, said, "Right after they are enrolled, the students are taught to manage their own life, and in their last year at kindergarten, teachers from primary schools will come and prep them for the challenges ahead. "

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