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Wednesday 22 December 2010

Olympics champions highlights 1st Ice and Snow Carnival in Xinjiang

12-22-2010 08:28 BJT

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The winter has come and it's time to have fun in the snow! The first Ice and Snow Carnival kicked off in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region last Friday. The event appeals to thousands of winter sports lovers, both amateurs and professionals.

Attracting the bulk of the attention at the opening ceremony of the event was a performance by Olympics champions Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo. The pair braved the cold temperature of more than ten degrees Celsius below zero in an outdoor skating rink.

Their flawless and graceful performance was overwhelmed by the cheers and applause from excited spectators.

Zhao Hongbo, Olympic Champion, said, "I'm glad to join the Xinjiang Ice and Snow Carnival and perform for people here. There used to be local professional skating teams that made it to the top three in the country. Unfortunately, this category was later canceled here due to poor conditions. Let's hope our performance heats up the winter sports atmosphere here and helps it prosper."

Attracting the bulk of the attention at the opening ceremony of the event
was a performance by Olympics champions Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo.

The carnival this time boasts skating rinks that cover an area of nearly 30,000 square meters. It is the first-ever man-made skating venue in the western part of China.

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