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Sunday 12 December 2010

Police Try To Identify Tuition Fee Protesters

0:02am UK, Sunday December 12, 2010

Pete Norman, Sky News Online
Scotland Yard has released pictures of 14 people who are wanted in connection with violence during the tuition fee demonstrations last week.

Police Try To Identify Tuition Fee Protesters

10:02am UK, Sunday December 12, 2010

Pete Norman, Sky News Online

Scotland Yard has released pictures of 14 people who are wanted in connection with violence during the tuition fee demonstrations last week.

Detective Chief Superintendent Matthew Horne, leading the investigation, said police want citizens to help identify the culprits.

"We want the public to help us identify these people who may have been involved in violent disorder, attacking police officers and smashing buildings, shops and windows," he said.

All 14 Wanted London Student Protesters

14 people wanted in connection with violence

"The vast majority of the people we are seeking are suspected of committing serious offences of violent disorder and criminal damage.

"The rights of protest and expression are important to us all. However, people breaking the law, endangering those protesting peacefully and committing offences such as this are criminals," he said.

"We will investigate them and where we have the evidence we will arrest them."

Student protesters voice their anger

Tuition Fee Protests red chevron

Click here for protest pictures.

Police launched a public order investigation, Operation Malone, to cover all fee protests held from November 10, when students stormed Tory headquarters in Millbank, until the demonstration in Parliament Square on December 9.

A total of 175 people were arrested during the four demonstrations, including 34 who were detained after the most recent havoc in central London left dozens of officers and protesters injured.

All of those arrested in the most recent demonstration have been bailed to return pending further inquiries.

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