12-06-2010 08:34 BJT
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Thailand has marked the 83rd birthday of King Bhumi-bol Adul-yadej (Pumipol Adul-Ya Detch) who is the world's longest reigning monarch.
He delivered his annual speech to celebrate the occasion on Sunday, calling for unity to keep the country happy and prosperous.
The King made his brief remarks at the ceremonial Grand Palace.
He said doing things without care, rationale, or conscience could be detrimental, both to the person, and the country.
Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thai King, said, "All Thais from every sector have to clearly understand their duties. They need to do their utmost to always perform their duties with carefulness and conscientiousness."
The armed forces also held a parade near the palace in honor of the King.
Thousands of flag-waving citizens cheered his car's journey from Siriraj Hospital.
Araya Jamornsuriya, Thai Housewife, said, "He has done so many good things for the country. I'm very happy to see him living a long life."
Chaweewan Mee-Haweewan, Thai Office Worker, said, "His health concerns me a lot. I wish him good health, and hope he stays with us for a long time."
Earlier, during a ceremony at the palace, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva led the audience in blessing the King on his birthday.
The government has organized numerous activities across the country to celebrate the occasion.
King Bhumibol is the world's longest-serving head of state. He has been staying in Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital since September of last year, but has made occasional public appearances without delivering official addresses.
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