12:20pm UK, Saturday January 22, 2011
Twenty-four big cats have been rescued from ill treatment and poor living conditions in outlawed circuses in Bolivia.
Animal rights campaign group Animal Defenders International (ADI) carried out the operation in conjunction with Bolivian authorities.
Bolivia became the first country in the world to outlaw animal performances in circuses after ADI provided evidence of abuse and substandard living conditions using undercover filming.

Undercover footage highlights the brutal treatment meted out to some animals.
The rescued animals were seized from eight circuses and also included six monkeys, a racoon, a deer and horse.
The animals are now being held in a compound in Santa Cruz before being relocated to an animal sanctuary in America.

The lions are now headed to an animal sanctuary in America
ADI president Jan Creamer said: "We must commend the Bolivian authorities for the decisive way that they have enforced the ban on animal circuses."
The organisation is now calling for a similar ban in England, where they claim animals are still used by some circuses and live in cramped and poor conditions.
An appeal has been launched to raise funds for the rescue mission and to care for the animals.
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