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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Iranian naval vessels enter Suez Canal

02-23-2011 13:49 BJT

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Two Iranian naval vessels have passed through the Suez Canal en route to Syria for a training mission.

Canal officials say the ships - a frigate and a supply vessel - paid about 300-thousand US dollars for passage and are expected to reach the Mediterranean later in the day.

For the first time in three decades, Tehran has sent military ships through the strategic waterway.

By passing through the Suez canal, which links the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, ships avoid a lengthy sail around Africa.

Israel has made it clear it views the passage as a provocation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced Iran on Tuesday, but didn't refer directly to the two Iranian warships.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, said, "Iran seeks to exploit the earthquake that is now possessing the great swath of earth from Afghanistan to the Maghreb. It is seeking to bring down democratic reform. It is seeking to prevent it. It is seeking to shut down the lights and create another era of darkness like the one we have in Tehran."

Israel's Deputy Prime Minister said Iran is taking advantage of Egypt's political turmoil to expand its own power.

But Iran has denied the allegation, claiming it planned the passage before the turmoil in Egypt. Iran also said it's considering sending warships for training to Syria via the Suez Canal on a regular basis.

Also on Tuesday, Israel announced that its Arrow Two missile shield had aced its latest live trial, shooting down a target missile off a US military base on the California coast. Israeli defense officials say this proves that Israel can defend itself from any missile threats from the Mid-east region, including from Iran.

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