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Monday 28 February 2011

Young Muslim Brothers plan 17 March 'revolt' against group leadership

Sun, 27/02/2011 - 19:40
Youth of the Muslim Brotherhood in Al-Azhar University
Photographed by Amr Abdalla

group of roughly 2000 young members of the Muslim Brotherhood say they
are planning to stage a “revolt” against the group’s authoritative
Guidance Bureau and Shura Council on 17 March to demand the dissolution
of the two governing bodies.

members say there is no reason why the group should work in secrecy
considering the “wave of freedom” witnessed by Egypt following the 25
January uprising, which led to the ouster of Egypt's longstanding
president Hosni Mubarak on 11 February.

members say the group’s role should be restricted to preaching the
teachings of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.

also demand the formation of a transitional committee mandated with
directing the group's affairs until a new board can be elected. They
have suggested that the proposed committee be headed by Mohamed Mahdi
Akef, the group’s previous general guide.

members of the group are threatening to hold an open-ended sit-in if
their demands are not met. They said they expected organizational
"change" to take place within the Muslim Brotherhood by April, when they
would begin taking steps aimed at "modernizing" the group and its

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