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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Gaddafi promises victory over Western powers

Gaddafi promises victory over Western powers
Despite international air strikes that have grounded Muammar Gaddafi's planes, Libyan rebels have been unable to dislodge the regime's forces from key positions. Gaddafi says he will be victorious in the end.
By FRANCE 24 (text)
  • Speaking on live television, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi promised he would be victorious in the end and said Western powers attacking him would “end up in the dustbin of history.”
  • International military air strikes continued overnight and early into Wednesday morning, some targeting the Libyan capital of Tripoli.
  • On Tuesday, the White House announced that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron had agreed that NATO should play an important role in enforcing the Libyan no-fly zone.
  • Despite the implementation of the no-fly zone, Libyan rebels have been unable to dislodge Gaddafi's forces from the eastern city of Ajdabiyah.
  • Live blog for March 23

    Reuters is reporting that the death toll from an attack on protesters at a mosque in the southern city of Deraa earlier today has reached 12, according to a Syrian rights group.

    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:32
    France’s foreign ministry has urged Syria to undertake political reforms without delay and to respect human rights commitments.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:30
    AFP is reporting that NATO has announced that Turkey has offered one submarine and five ships to police Libya arms embargo.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:27

    (Reuters) British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that Kuwait and Jordan are to make logistical contributions in the international Libya operation. He also said a no-fly zone was in place over Libya and that 11 nations were contributing over 150 aircraft.

    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:26
    (Reuters) British Prime Minister David Cameron says he is greatly concerned about what the Libyan regime is doing is Misrata.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:23
    Reuters is quoting a Misrata resident called Saadoun as saying "It started half an hour ago. The snipers are ... shooting at the hospital and its two entrances are under heavy attack. No one can get in or out... We have lost all communication with people inside. The last thing we knew is that three are killed and three are critically wounded."
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:21
    Reuters is reporting that residents in the rebel-held western city of Misrata say pro-Gaddafi snipers are firing on a hospital and at least three people have been killed.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:19
    It’s not the time for power politics or technicalities. There is a UN mandate & the situation is urgent, especially in Zintan & Misrata. [via Twitter]
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:16 LibyaNewMedia
    In #Yemen, everyone is gearing up for Friday. It’s gonna be big. And tough. [via Twitter]
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:15 iyad_elbaghdadi
    The French goverment has called on Syria to stop the "excessive use of force" against protesters.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:14
    In #Libya, Zintan has been repelling attacks but Gaddafi seems to be just getting more and more troops in wave after wave. [via Twitter]
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:13 iyad_elbaghdadi
    (Reuters) Gaddafi loyalist forces have resumed bombardment of the rebel-held city of Zintan in western Libya.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:12
    Al Jazeera television is reporting that Libya’s rebel national council has named Mahmoud Jabril to head an interim government and pick ministers.

    According to Reuters, Jabril is a reformer who was once involved in a project to establish a democratic state in Libya and he is already the head of a crisis committee to cover military and foreign affairs.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 13:10
    French government spokesman Francois Baroin has said that NATO will not take the “political leadership” of Libya operations. The US, Britain and France will remain chiefly in control.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:36
    AFP is reporting that the Yemeni opposition is disputing legality of the state of emergency approved by lawmakers earlier today.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:27
    The spokesman for the French government has confirmed that NATO will take on the technical role of coordinating the Libya operation, which are ongoing.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:26
    AFP is reporting that 17 people were killed in Misrata yesterday by forces loyal to Gaddafi.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:23
    Just read AJE live blog ’Protesters in London demonstrate against the UN-mandated military action in #Libya’ WHAT ARE U DOING! WE WANT THIS! [via Twitter]
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:13 libyanexpat
    Sitution in Ajdabiyah: Gaddafi forces have placed their heavy weapons & vehicles inside the city, therefore immune to strikes. [via Twitter]
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:13 LibyaNewMedia
    In response to earlier question by Brian Trex: Military strategy expert Alexandre Vautravers says: "...there is little chance that the coalition would stop fighting, as so much effort has now been put to bear," and at that based on past experience "the pursuit of initiative by the coalition dictates that the agenda should not be lead by the Libyan regime." In other words, an initiative from Gaddafi (to step down) is unlikely to immediately change the coalition's plans.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 12:12
    (Reuters) US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is making his first visit to Egypt since Hosni Mubarak quit and handed power to a military council led by Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 11:56
    AFP is reporting that US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has arrived in Egypt for talks on the conflict in Libya.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 11:51
    [Comment From ju ju : ]
    @Brian Trex: Alain Juppé told yesterday that the door was still open for negociations if the lybian army stopped its assaults on rebels and retreated to its compounds
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 11:47 ju
    Reuters is reporting that Gaddafi’s ground forces and tanks have stopped firing on Misrata after international air strikes.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 11:46
    In responce to question by Ju: This just in from Reuters: Coalition aircraft launched two air strikes on area where pro-Gaddafi forces are based in the rebel-held city of Misrata, according to a resident.
    Wednesday March 23, 2011 11:44
    Show Additional Entries[Additional Entries]11:41 - 07:24

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