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Tuesday 1 March 2011

Live Blog - Libya March 1

By Al Jazeera Staff in on February 28th, 2011.
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As the uprising in Libya continues, we update you with the latest developments from our correspondents, news agencies and citizens across the globe. Al Jazeera is not responsible for content derived from external sites.


Gaddafi blames al-Qaeda for the unrest in his country:

  • 3:47am

    Latest from Libya, where military officers are defecting from Gaddafi's side to join the growing opposition:

    I, Brigadier Dawood Issa Al Qafsi, declare that I join the Feb 17 revolution. With me are officers, non commissioned officers and soldiers in the Armed Forces units in Ajdabia, Braiga, Bisher, Ogaila, Sultan and Zwaitina ... Glory to the martyrs of the revolution ... We announce that we join the Libyan Military Council formed in Benghazi.

    At this evening of Feb 28th, two war planes took off from Al Qurdabiyeh base in Sirte for a raid on the town of Ajdabia. It was confronted by Anti-aircraft guns and forced it to flee without human casualties. We call on our honorable people in Sirte to intervene and to advice their sons to refuse bombarding any Libyan town to spare the blood of the innocent of our great people.

  • Timestamp:

    Libyan oil ouput is cut by up to 50 per cent, leaving the industry in chaos as international companies scramble to evacuate their staff and closely monitor the situation.

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    'My People Love Me", Gaddafi says.

    "They love me. All my people with me, they love me," he said. "They will die to protect me, my people."

  • 2:04am

    The head of Al Wahat Security Directorate, Brigadier Musa’ed Al Mansouri, and the head of Jabel Al Akhdar Security Directorate, Brigadier Hassan Ibrahim Al Qarawi, have defected and joined the ‘revolution’:

    We, Brigadier Musa’ed Ghaidan Al Mansouri the Head Al Wahat Security Directorate, and Brigadier Hassan Ibrahim Al Qarawi, the former head of Al Jabel Al Akhadar Security Directorate, announce our loyalty and the joining to the Feb 17 revolution of the Libyan people that aims for freedom, dignity and social justice and to end the injustice and oppression.

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    Abdullah, a witness speaking to Al Jazeera from Misurata, about 200km east of Tripoli, says:

    There’s now artillery shelling on the suburbs of Misurata and on the Air force college, south west of Misurata. There are also helicopters trying to bomb the local broadcast.

    They are also using heavy weapons against the protestors ... also last night helicopters dropped leaflets and threats from the regime.

    A plane fell in the sea and we arrested five of its crew ... we have weapons trying to use to defend ourselves but it is normal weapons that cannot be compared to the planes or tanks or armored vehicles or the heavy weapons they use to bomb us ... we are the defending righteous and freedom ... we want him [Gaddafi] to leave.

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    Tripoli resident says that the price of rice, a main staple, has gone up 500 per cent, reaching the equivalent of $40 for a five-kilogramme bag.

    Bakeries are limited to selling five loaves of bread per family, and most butcher shops are closed, she said.

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    "All my people love me," Muammar Gaddafi insists, ignoring mounting global pressure to step down and perhaps head into exile after four decades at the helm of his country.

    "They love me. All my people with me. They love me all. They would die to protect me," the veteran Libyan leader said, speaking in halting English in an interview with Western media.

    "No demonstrations at all in the streets," claimed Gaddafi, who has ruled his north African country for more than 41 years.

    "No one is against us, against me for what?"

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