Libya's National Transitional Council fighters are preparing for an
imminent attack on Bani Walid, a stronghold of the deposed Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi, as efforts for a peaceful resolution to the standoff
seem to have failed.
During prolonged negotiations on Tuesday, the NTC tried to convince
representatives from Bani Walid, about 150km southeast of the capital
Tripoli, that there would be no retributions if the the town surrendered
But the representatives, upon returning to the town to deliver the
message, were fired at and forced to retreat to NTC territory.
Al Jazeera's Sue Turton, reporting from north of Bani Walid, said the situation seemed bleak and an attack seemed imminent.
"The five Bani Walid representatives went back with the assurances
from NTC, but as they approached the city, they were fired upon. They
quickly came back to the rebel territory to take shelter for the night,"
she said.
"We have talked to commanders and people here. They believe two of
Gaddafi sons are still in the city, thats why no negotations work here."
Libyan fighters have surrounded the town and given remnants of
Gaddafi forces two deadlines to surrender. Both the deadlines have
Thousands of NTC fighters have been camping outside Bani Walid. They
have also built a field hospital and deployed 10 volunteer doctors to
prepare for the possibility of a fight.
Gaddafi loyalists cross into Niger
Also on Tuesday, a large convoy of about 250 armoured vehicles
carrying Gaddafi loyalists crossed into neighbouring Niger, raising
fresh speculations over the toppled Libyan leader's whereabouts.
Gaddafi or his sons were not spotted in the convoy that reportedly carried gold and cash and was escorted by Niger troops.
The convoy included officers from Libya's southern army battalions
and pro-Gaddafi Tuareg fighters and is likely to have crossed from Libya
into Algeria before entering Niger, sources said.
Niger's minister of internal affairs, Abdou Labo, however, denied
that a Libyan convoy had entered his country. But he confirmed that
Niger had given asylum to Gaddafi's internal security chief Abdullah
Mansoor on humanitarian grounds.
Al Jazeera's James Bays,
reporting from Tripoli, said information about the specifics of the
convoy were contradictory, but it was certain that a convoy had crossed.
"What is significant is that none of the reports we have heard so far
says anything about sighting of Gaddafi and his sons in the convoy."
Exile in Burkina Faso?
Niger's harbouring of wanted Gaddafi-regime officials is "a breach of
the United Nations travel [restrictions] for most of these people", Aly
Abuzaakouk, executive director of Libya Human and Political Development
Forum, told Al Jazeera.
He said Niger should "not side with the enemy of the Libyan people".
The US state department in a statement called on Niger to detain the Gaddafi loyalists who have entered the country.
A French military source said he had been told the commander of
Libya's southern forces, General Ali Khana, may also be in Niger, not
far from the Libyan border.
He said he had been told that Gaddafi and his son Saif would join
Khana and catch up with the convoy should they choose to accept Burkina
Faso's offer of exile.
Burkina Faso, a former recipient of large amounts of Libyan aid, had
reportedly offered Gaddafi exile about two weeks ago but has
also recognised the National Transititional Council (NTC) as Libya's
On Tuesday, however, Burkina Faso's government said it had not
received a request for exile from Gaddafi and the ousted leader was not
expected in the West African state.
"Gaddafi in not in Burkina Faso and we have not been approached for
any exile demand. Burkina (Faso) has not been informed of Gaddafi's
arrival. We are not expecting him," Communications Minister Alain
Edouard Traore said on state television.
Mansour El Kikhia, chair of the political science department at the
University of Texas, told Al Jazeera: "What is bothersome to me more
than anything else is that Gaddafi is aided by some of Tuareg
"Gaddafi is going to cause mischief, and it is now imperative that the council [NTC] prepares for these contingencies."
Gaddafi has said he is ready to fight to the death on Libyan soil,
although there have been a number of reports that he might seek refuge
in an African nation.
Meanwhile, the NTC said that Khaled Kaim, Gaddafi's deputy foreign minister, has been captured.
Al Jazeera and agencies
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