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Wednesday, 5 September 2012

P&P Office Waste processor converts waste

September 5, 2011

pp office waste paper processor 1 Eco Factor: Concept device uses waste paper to produce pencils. In offices all over the world printed paper sheets are often discarded when the printed document is no longer being used or needs some change. Industrial designers Chengzhu Ruan, Yuanyuan Liu, Xinwei Yuan and Chao Chen are trying to give these sheets of paper a second, more productive life, by converting them into pencil sticks. The team has conceptualized an office waste paper processor that does the task. pp office waste paper processor 2 Christened the P&P Office Waste Processor, the device allows users to slide in waste sheets of printed paper, which are then rolled tightly with pencil lead in the center. After processing a fully usable stick of pencil pops out, adding some more life to old paper and saving a few trees in the process. pp office waste paper processor 3 pp office waste paper processor 4 pp office waste paper processor 5 pp office waste paper processor 6 Via: YankoDesign

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