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Saturday 18 December 2010

The migrant cap is illegal and must be ditched, say judges

By Steve Doughty, Social Affairs Correspondent
Last updated at 1:58 AM on 18th December 2010

Interim measure: The immigration cap brought in by Home Secretary Theresa May was unlawful, judges have said

Interim measure: The immigration cap brought in by Home Secretary Theresa May was unlawful, judges have said

Judges dealt a blow yesterday to the Coalition’s efforts to cut immigration by capping the numbers of worker visas.

They ruled that the first attempt at an immigration cap brought in by Home Secretary Theresa May during the summer was unlawful and must be dropped.

Mrs May should have put the cap before MPs and allowed Parliament to discuss it before she introduced it, the two High Court judges said.

But there were fears yesterday that the removal of the cap, which was introduced as an interim measure, will lead to a rush of applications for visas before more long-term capping arrangements come into effect next spring.

The interim cap on visas for non-EU highly-skilled workers, or Tier One, and skilled workers, or Tier Two, was put in place at the end of June to slow migration in advance of the longer-term limits which are due next year.

But Lord Justice Sullivan and Mr Justice Burton said that Mrs May had tried to ‘side-step Parliamentary scrutiny’ when she set it up. As a result, they ruled, there are no lawful limits on numbers of visas for job applicants from abroad in the top two tiers that cover the best-qualified immigrants.

The case against the Home Secretary was brought by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants and the English Community Care Association, which represents care home operators who want to bring in more workers from abroad.

Its lawyers said Mrs May had deliberately framed the cap so that she could alter the numbers of people affected without consulting Parliament.

Lord Justice Sullivan said: ‘There can be no doubt that she was attempting to side-step provisions for Parliamentary scrutiny set up under provisions of the 1971 Immigration Act, and her attempt was for that reason unlawful.’

He said the changes brought in were major and should have been considered by MPs.

Lord Justice Sullivan said: ‘In my judgment no interim limits were lawfully published or specified by the Secretary of State for either Tier 1 or Tier 2.’

Immigration Minister Damian Green said: ‘I am disappointed with today’s verdict. We will study the judgment and will appeal it, if we have grounds.’

He added: ‘We remain firmly committed to reducing net migration and will be introducing a permanent limit on non-European workers next April.

Shadow Home Secretary Ed Balls said: ‘The Government’s immigration policy is in a state of chaos. Their so-called cap may have sounded good before the election but it wasn’t properly thought through. Not only will it do little to control immigration, it also risks damaging British businesses.’

‘Cutting the number of border officers and staff by nearly a quarter raises serious questions about the security of our borders and whether the Government’s policies can be enforced.’

Critical: Shadow Home Secretary Ed Balls said the Government's immigration policy was farcical

Critical: Shadow Home Secretary Ed Balls said the Government's immigration policy was farcical

The interim cap, which cut the number of work visas for immigrants from outside the EU by 5 per cent, was pushed through within weeks of David Cameron becoming Prime Minister in order to show the Coalition was taking rapid action on immigration.

Mr Cameron has promised to cut net immigration – the number by which immigration swells the population each year – to its late-Nineties level of below 100,000.

The Coalition has been torn by arguments between ministers such as Mrs May who are pressing hard to bring immigration down and those led by Business Secretary Vince Cable who want to see a flow of qualified migrants coming into the country to keep industry supplied with workers.

Rules due to come into force in April are intended to cut numbers of non-EU workers coming into Britain by a fifth and set a limit of 21,700 work permits.

Mr Green tried to quash speculation that the ruling, which affects 1,300 visas each year, will lead to a rush of visa applications. He said: ‘This ruling is about process not policy – the policy of having a limit has not been found to be unlawful. The court’s ruling rests on a technicality, we will set this right in the next few days.’

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