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Thursday 13 January 2011

China's peacekeepers mark Haiti quake anniversary

01-13-2011 08:59 BJT

China's peacekeeping police in Haiti on Wednesday paid tribute to fallen colleagues and other victims of the devastating earthquake that hit the Caribbean nation one year ago.

On the first anniversary of the earthquake that killed 220,000 people in Haiti, a solemn ceremony was held by the Chinese peacekeeping force on the rubbles of Hotel Christope, where eight Chinese police officers died in the earthquake of January 12, 2010.

"Today we are in the headquarters of the MINUSTAH where four peacekeepers and four officers died from the Police Ministry, which means that was a great lost in once of our police in their work aboard," China's permanent representative of the commercial development office of China, Wang Shupin, said at the ceremony.

A Chinese peacekeeper places photos of colleagues killed in Haiti earthquake on the debris
of the headquarters of United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti(MINUSTAH) at a
memorial in Port au Prince, Jan 12, 2010.(Xinhua Photo)

"We are going to keep in our memory for every their names, and we are going to take them as an example to continue their work to protect the peace," Wang said.

Following Wang's speech, the Chinese peacekeepers sang the Chinese national anthem and several officers placed wreaths in the place as a sign to honor and remember their colleagues.

A long black poster was also presented at the scene: "Remember our peacekeepers with our deepest sympathies."

Diplomats and members of the Chinese community in Haiti also attended the ceremony.

Officer Gao Song, who was visibly moved, told Xinhua that the ceremony was "sad" because of the biggest loss in the history of this contingent, "but at the same time, it makes me feel proud to be here."

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