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Tuesday 4 January 2011

Egyptian foreign minister in Tunisia for talks

3 January 2011 - 20H21

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, seen here in 2010, arrived in Tunis Monday for talks with his counterpart Kamel Morjane in the wake of a deadly church attack in Egypt which killed 21.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, seen here in 2010, arrived in Tunis Monday for talks with his counterpart Kamel Morjane in the wake of a deadly church attack in Egypt which killed 21.

AFP - Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit arrived in Tunis Monday for talks with his counterpart Kamel Morjane in the wake of a deadly church attack in Egypt which killed 21.

Tunisia and Egypt collaborate on fighting terrorism and insurgency and the Arab Interior Ministers Council is based in the Tunisian capital.

Abul Gheit said the visit was aimed at "buttressing the privileged fraternal ties," and a "consolidation of the traditional political consultations," Tunisia's TAP news agency said.

The talks will be held on Tuesday.

The New Year bombing on a Coptic church in Alexandria was strongly condemned by Tunisian President Zine El Abidine who urged the international community to "unite in efforts to fight this dangerous phenomenon which threatens the foundations of peace and security in the world."

No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, which came two months after an Al-Qaeda-linked group said it was behind a deadly Baghdad church hostage-taking and threatened Coptic Christians as well.

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