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Sunday 2 January 2011

Ford open prision riot: warnings over suitability of prisoners

Unsuitable prisoners may be being placed in open jails to ease overcrowding, a former head of the prisons watchdog has suggested.

The warning came as Crispin Blunt, the prisons minister, announced two separate inquiries in to the "unprecedented" New Year riot at Ford open prison which resulted in up to £3 million of damage after 40 inmates went on the rampage setting fire to buildings.

Mr Blunt said the issue was "raised at all levels" and said it will now form part of the inquiry in to the violence.

The Prison Officers Association (POA) claimed four of the six ringleaders had recently failed risk assessments over their suitability for open conditions.

Up to 65 prisoners may have to be transferred to other premises either because of their involvement in the disturbances, on Saturday, or because of the loss of some accommodation.

But ministers were under renewed pressure last night to assess whether criminals are appropriately allocated to the more relaxed open regime.

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