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Thursday 13 January 2011

Mauritius honeymoon murder:

hotel worker 'confessed' to Michaela McAreavey killing

One of the hotel workers charged with murdering Michaela McAreavey on her honeymoon in Mauritius has confessed to the brutal killing, police have claimed.

Suspect Avinash Treebhoowoon: Mauritius honeymoon murder: hotel worker 'confessed' to Michaela McAreavey killing
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Suspect Avinash Treebhoowoon who police say has confessed to killing Michaela McAreavey on her honeymoon in Mauritius. Photo: AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Avinash Treebhoowoon, 29, allegedly admitted to officers that he killed the daughter of one of Ireland's best-known sporting figures in a panic after she caught him rummaging through her belongings.

The cleaner, from Plaine des Roches, had allegedly entered her luxury hotel room to steal jewellery and money after claiming to have found the door to room 1025 ajar.

Hotel records, however, are said to show that someone gained access using a false electronic key card at 3.42pm on Monday, two minutes before she then entered the room.

The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Treebhoowoon, who claimed in court that he was beaten by police, is to lead detectives in a “reconstruction” of the incident at the hotel later on Thursday.

Detectives have also charged two other hotel workers over the death that has shocked Ireland where Mrs McAreavey’s family are considered national celebrities. Gaelic football is the most popular sport in Ireland.

The teacher, 28, had returned to the room to collect biscuits for afternoon tea she was due to share with her husband at a restaurant in the popular Indian Ocean island hotel.

The former beauty queen, whose father Mickey Harte is Gaelic football's most high profile team managers, was then strangled after first trying to fight off her attackers.

Her body was dumped face up in the room’s bath with the running water, which police believe was a desperate attempt to cover up her death as a drowning suicide.

A post mortem concluded she died as a result of "asphyxia due to compression of the neck". Several bruises were also found on her head.

Skin tissue was found underneath her fingernails, indicating Mrs McAreavey, from Dungannon, Co Tyrone, had “fought for her life”. It is thought that one of her attackers may have been cut in the face as a result of the fight.

While police have ruled her widower John McAreavey, 30, out as a suspect, witnesses have allegedly told detectives that the pair had a disagreement the night before she died.

The Daily Telegraph can also disclose that witnesses claim to have seen the accountant and prominent footballer ask a hotel employee to find a priest. It is not known why he made such a request.

Sandip Moneea, a 41 year-old floor supervisor of Petit Raffray, denies murder while Raj Theekoy, 33, a cleaner from Ramnarain, Cottage, has denied conspiracy to murder. Detectives privately believe that more arrests could occur.

All three workers were employed at the five-star Legends Hotel, a popular honeymoon resort in the village of Grande Gaube, on the country’s north coast. Theekoy is said to have made a statement to police.

“Avinash confessed that he was in the room during this terrible incident,” a police spokeswoman told The Daily Telegraph.

“He was in the room to commit larceny and steal her belongings.

“Unfortunately at the same time Michaela entered the room. Avinash confessed that he then assaulted her.”

The spokeswoman confirmed that witnesses had reported seeing the pair argue on Sunday night and that Mr McAreavey had asked for a priest.

She declined to say why but added that detectives had cleared him of any involvement after interviewing him at length.

Dhun Iswar Rampersad, the Mauritius police chief, later told reporters that Theekoy had admitted to hearing noises from the room and to having seen someone coming out of the room a few minutes later "in a strange state".

He alleged that after police questioned Treebhoowoon he "confessed to police that a few minutes before the victim came in (he was) in the room stealing purses full of money and jewellery that were on the table”.

Mrs McAreavey’s family have arrived on the island to collect her body, which will be repatriated back to Ireland as early as Thursday night.

Brendan McMahon, Dublin's ambassador to South Africa, has also arrived on the island to give consular assistance. Her widower had earlier issued an emotional statement paying tribute to his bride of less than a fortnight.

"I appreciate all the prayers and messages of support. I pray that God gives us the strength and faith that Michaela has, to cope with our horrific loss," he said in a statement.

"She is a gift from god and I now have an angel."

“My beautiful wife, my best friend, my rock Michaela, has been taken from me and I still can't take it in.”

He added: "Our hopes, our dreams and our future together are gone. I love my wife very, very much and my world revolved around her.

“I can't describe in words how lost I feel as Michaela is not just the light of my life – she is my life."

Paul Jones, the CEO of the group that owns Legends Hotel, offered his condolences to the families.

"We are a responsible company devoted to providing a quality service up to international standards,” he said in a statement.

“I've been working in the tourism sector in Mauritius for 35 years and this is the first time I've been faced by a tragedy on this scale.

"The police are conducting an inquiry and we await the results of the investigation."

The three alleged killers appeared in Mapou District Court on Wednesday charged over her murder.

They are due back in court next week. They have yet to enter pleas. A trial could occur within six months.

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