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Sunday 2 January 2011

Studio interview: Diffculties facing new Brazilian president

01-02-2011 10:03 BJT

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For a closer look at the political situation in Brazil, we're joined by our current affairs commentator, Mr Raymond Zhou, from China Daily.

Q1: Hello, Raymond, Dilma Rousseff is the first woman to become president in Brazil, and it's expected that several women will be included in her cabinet. What changes is Roussef likely to bring to Brazilian politics?

Q2: Brazil's new president wants to maintain the momentum created by her predecessor, and is planning an overhaul of the country's tax code. What difficulties does she face in making reforms?

Rousseff sworn in as Brazilian leader

The new Brazilian leader and her government are calling for an overhaul of the tax code, signaling she will make reform a priority in her new four-year term.

Editor:Zhang Pengfei |Source: CNTV.CN

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