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Saturday 8 January 2011

Sudanese President warns against war

01-08-2011 09:11 BJT

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Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has warned against the eruption of war in the country's disputed oil-rich area of Abyei in case one of its two tribes adopts unilateral measures regarding its affiliation.

The Sudanese president says he hopes the Dinka tribe will not adopt a unilateral decision on affiliation of Abyei to south Sudan, because the Miseria tribe would not accept that and would take a similar decision on affiliation of the area to the north. There are fears this could develop into war.

Al-Bashir further stresses the importance of the north and south controlling the two tribes in Abyei, the Dinka tribe backed by south Sudan and the Miseria tribe backed by north Sudan. He says that would prevent one party from adopting any one-sided action.

The Sudanese president totally rejects any foreign presence in Abyei. He adds there is a joint authority representing the two population groups in the area and this authority will remain until an agreement on the status of the area is reached.

Meanwhile, al-Bashir regards the establishment of political ties between the expected newly born state of south Sudan and Israel as an internal matter concerning southerners alone unless the relationship constitutes a threat to north Sudan.

He further suggests the establishment of a confederation between north and south Sudan if the south opts for separation, in a bid to safeguard security, economic, social and political interests between the two sides.

Editor:Zhang Pengfei |Source: CNTV.CN

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