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Friday 4 February 2011

Egypt crisis: thousands gather for 'day of departure' rally

Defiantly, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians put days of fear and violence behind them on Friday by occupying the centre of Cairo and driving away the dwindling gangs containing supporters of President Hosni Mubarak.

Defiantly, hundreds of thousands of Egyptians put days of fear and violence behind them on Friday by occupying the centre of Cairo and driving away the dwindling gangs containing supporters of President Hosni Mubarak.
Protesters gather in Tahrir Square for a 'Day of Departure' rally aimed at ousting Egyptian President Mubarak Photo: EPA

The regime had demanded they give up their protests but instead the people spilt onto the streets in great numbers to attend the "day of departure" rally. And in what could give an insight into the country's immediate future, the throng was joined shortly before noon prayers by Amr Moussa, the secretary-general of the Arab League and a former foreign minister under Mr Mubarak.

Mr Moussa is an establishment figure with ties to both the regime and to the kings and dictators of the Arab world. His mingling in the crowd demonstrated the president's increasing isolation. Mr Moussa, who is popular among Egyptians, could also emerge as a new player in discussions about a transition of power, and even as a credible successor. Mohamed Tantawi, Egypt's defence minister, also appeared in the crowd, becoming the first senior government official to do so.

The day was largely good-humoured, in contrast to the vicious street fights seen around Tahrir Square on Wednesday and Thursday. "Mubarak, Mubarak, step down now," the crowds chanted.

As the call to prayer rang out across the city, hundreds of men formed orderly lines before the barriers of razor wire thrown up by the army along the roads leading into the square.

Behind them, a steady stream of people extended across the Qasr El-Nil bridge, many of whom had walked for miles, dodging the bands of pro-regime supporters that roved the city's streets.

All those entering the square had to show identity to the army and then be frisked for weapons by lines of volunteers.

There was a much more noticeable presence of Muslim Brotherhood supporters than previously, at least until the afternoon when the square filled to the brim.

However, nearly the entire square joined in a dramatic Friday noon prayer, prostrating themselves in unison in lines from the Egypt National Museum at one end to the Mugamma, the building that houses the feared Interior Ministry's bureaucracy, at the other.

They continued into special funeral prayers, led by a weeping Imam, in honour of the estimated 300 people who have died in the last ten days' uprising.

There was still anger at the alleged role of the governing party in hiring the groups the protesters said were responsible for the earlier violence, as well as some pride in having beaten them off.

"Nero is burning his city again," read one placard. "We fought the enemy for 40 hours with stones," said the man holding it, Tariq Rafa, a lawyer. "We have the power now. We say to Mubarak, you are a grown man – if you are strong you will go now."

Mahdi Mohammed, a teacher, was standing with his friend in the square on Thursday when a shot – fired by a sniper, he said – felled and killed the man standing next to him, a lifelong friend.

"Hosni Mubarak has killed everything good in life," Mr Mohammed said. "Hosni Mubarak has killed everything beautiful in life. The only language he understands is destruction. Everything he touches, he destroys."

Attempts by small groups of pro-Mubarak demonstrators to reach the square yesterday petered out. They were not allowed through by the army, and in any case were driven back by sorties from behind the barricades by anti-regime demonstrators.

Of Mr Mubarak himself there was no word. The Americans are still said to be trying hard to force him to stand down, and the European Union warned of sanctions if there was any more violence. The president made no public comments, in contrast to his televised speeches after big demonstrations on Friday last week and Tuesday. In an interview on Thursday night, he said he was "fed up" with being president and would step down immediately except that he feared plunging the country into chaos.

That was rejected by Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency who has emerged as an opposition figurehead. He estimated the number of protesters in cities around Egypt at between two and four million, and said it was "inconceivable" the message had not got through to Mr Mubarak and Vice-President Omar Suleiman.

He also confirmed, in an interview with Al-Jazeera, his admission to The Daily Telegraph in an interview this week that he was willing to run for president himself.

The regime's stubbornness probably now means that Mr Suleiman, once seen as a suitable candidate to oversee the transition, may no longer be accepted by the protesters.

Mr Moussa could now be an establishment alternative. He had earlier in the week indicated he might stand in the presidential election due for September, but he had not previously called for Mr Mubarak's immediate departure.

The rest of the Arab world may now be banking on Mr Mubarak holding on at least for the next few months. If he does buckle the situation in other countries could change quickly. A heavy plain-clothes police presence in Syria prevented planned demonstrations in Damascus taking place yesterday, while turnout for a protest against Jordan's new prime minister also attracted far fewer supporters than previously.

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