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Monday 21 February 2011

Protesters call for million-man demos to topple caretaker govt

Sun, 20/02/2011 - 19:45
" title="Egypt revolution diary: Egypt Railways in protest" class="imagecache imagecache-highslide_zoom">
Photographed by Staff
In a statement on Sunday, the Coalition of the Revolution called for staging a million-man demonstration on Tuesday requesting the caretaker government of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq to resign. Protesters will march from Tahrir Square to the Council of Ministers.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, in a meeting with a number of intellectuals on Sunday, confirmed that it was not seeking power beyond a six-month transitional period.
Also, a military source said the council has released 55 detainees that were arrested during the demonstrations, and that it is currently investigating 23 others in preparation for their release.

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