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Monday 21 February 2011

Reports of new protests in Iran

Security forces clashed with anti-government protesters and briefly detained the daughter of Iran's former president.
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2011 18:10 GMT

There are reports of renewed anti-government protests in Iran, with demonstrators taking to the streets in several cities across the country.

There have also been clashes between protesters and security forces, posts on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter said on Sunday. There were also reports of one protester being shot dead in Tehran, a story denied by government official in state media.

The official IRNA reported that Faezeh Rafsanjani, the daughter of ex-president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, has been among those arrested for particiapting in the protest. Fars news agency reported that she was released shortly thereafter.

Protesters have apparently thronged Tehran's Vali-Asr and Enghelab squares. Similar demonstrations are being reported in Shiraz and Isfahan.

Reformist news sites said security forces were responding to the protests in some measure. reported that a number of plainclothes Basij security forces, some on motorcycle, had arrived at the protest in Shiraz, carrying the flag of the Islamic republic. They also blocked the entrance to some streets.

A page on Facebook used to organise the protests also carried a post saying that security forces were beating protesters with batons and chains in the northern city of Rasht.

Citing witnesses inside the country, sources told Al Jazeera that plainclothes security forces were rounding up and taking away groups of protesters near Sharif University in Tehran, near Azadi Square.

The page also quoted witnesses as saying that tear gas had been used against protesters in Tehran, and the BBC Persian website said gunshots had been heard in the Abbas Abad area, west of Vali-Asr street.

'Scare tactics'

Meanwhile, - which belongs to Mir Hossein Mousavi, who, along with fellow opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi remains under house arrest - reported that plainclothes security forces were speeding through crowds of protesters in Tehran in an attempt to scare the crowd, causing them to panic and disperse.

Al Jazeera cannot independently confirm the reports.

State news agency Fars, however, said that Tehran is in a state of "total calm".

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said that eyewitnesses it ahs spoken to confirm the use of live ammunitino and teargas by security forces in Iran. An article posted on the group's site also said that "large scale" protests have been taking place in various cities and that they're continuing to grow in size.

The Iranian government has tried to dissuade protesters from taking to the streets via state media, first by saying that members of the banned group People's Mujahedeen of Iran (MKO) were planning on killing people at the protests, and the by saying that live ammunition would be used against protesters who defied its orders.

The Fars news agency also published an interview with lawmaker Seyyed Mohammad Javad Aabtehi, in which he said that not only should people refrain from participating in any kind of gathering, but that they should even avoid observing the protests.

The Human Rights House of Iran (RAHANA) reported that prior to the start of the protests on Sunday, there were also numerous reports of uniformed and plainclothes ecurity forces in several key gathering points in the capital and that there were "several cars in Azadi street which are believed to be for detaining the citizens".

The rights group also reports that at least 50 people had been detained in Shiraz.

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Al Jazeera

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