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Wednesday 13 April 2011

ADL: Mammoth Arab Anti-Semitic Reaction to Goldstone Op-Ed

by Chana Ya'ar

The Arab world has reacted with vicious anti-Semitism to retired Judge Richard Goldstone's change of heart about his report to the United Nations on Israel's 3-week counter terrorism war against the Hamas rulers of Gaza two years ago.

Goldstone wrote an op-ed piece on April 2 in the Washington Post in which he retracted his accusations that Israel had deliberately targeted the civilian population of Gaza.

Israel welcomed the change of heart, but asked Goldstone to go further and issue an official retraction of his report, which he did not do.

Leaders of the Arab world and Hamas terrorists, meanwhile, slammed the piece. A post on the website of the New York-based Anti-Defamation League gives examples of numerous anti-Semitic cartoons published in newspapers across the Middle East.

Some show Goldstone being bribed with “gold” by an Israeli soldier. Others feature Jews with stereotyped features such as a beard and a hat controlling the judge.

Al-Watan, April 7 - Saudi Arabia

Filastin, April 5 - Gaza (headline: Palestinian Condemnation of Goldstone's retraction)

Ad-Dustur, April 5 - Jordan


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